Things new in Wheezy

Before upgrading to Wheezy

I have had one machine suffer from this problem.

  error: symbol not found: 'grub_divmod64_full'
  Entering rescue mode...
  grub rescue>

See Bug#630226#20 for a comment about it.

If you forget to update grub before the Wheezy upgrade then you will need to boot rescue media and save yourself afterward. Boot the debian-installer in rescue mode and then run these commands.

mount -a
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-install /dev/sdb

SSH ECDSA now default

On fresh Wheezy installations the default ssh host key is now ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm). The release notes say:

So this must be a good thing! Just don't freak out if you find your $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts file logging ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 lines instead of the previous ssh-rsa lines.

I read some fud concerning putty.exe. I tested putty.exe. Debian configures all three types of keys including ecdsa, dsa, and rsa. Putty negotiates and uses "rsa2". Works for me.

The Debian package changelog says:

  * Generate ECDSA host keys on fresh installations.  Upgraders who wish to
    add such host keys should manually add
      HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
    to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and run
      ssh-keygen -q -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -N "" -t ecdsa

logcheck reports SSH logging of preauth messages

In Wheezy 7 logcheck now reports "preauth" messages. Here are some examples.

Dec  7 15:49:42 havoc sshd[7575]: Received disconnect from 11: Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing [preauth]
Dec 10 12:05:45 havoc sshd[6580]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye [preauth]
Dec 24 11:33:05 havoc sshd[410]: Received disconnect from 11: Normal [preauth]
Jan  6 17:23:01 havoc sshd[7799]: Received disconnect from 14: Unable to connect using the available authentication methods [preauth]
Jan 27 18:57:23 havoc sshd[12969]: Received disconnect from 11:  [preauth]
Jan 29 05:31:38 havoc sshd[30706]: Received disconnect from 11: These aren't the droids we're looking for. [preauth]

These now appear in Wheezy 7 and therefore logcheck now reports them. These are from attacks poking at the system using the C program examples provided with ssh for connecting to an sshd by program. The string that is logged is any string the attacker chooses. The top four are the most common because they appear in the provided examples. The rest are typical modifications from attackers. Many other strings are seen depending upon the attacker because the string logged may be any string the attacker chooses. I find it somewhat dangerous that they can write anything to the log file. It makes it more difficult to ignore. The non-limited size makes this a possible denial of service attack vector.

This logging has been in the sshd code for a long time. However it wasn't being logged since ssh started using "privilege separation". It previously failed to log "preauth" messages from the privilege separation user. Damien Miller responded to my information request with this answer .

The only thing to have changed semi-recently is that we improved logging of preauthentication messages in privsep mode in the 5.9 release to no longer need a /dev/log inside the privsep chroot. If your old OpenSSH version was <5.9 and the /var/empty chroot didn't have a /dev/log in it then you may have been missing these messages.

And that is exactly the case we had in Squeeze where /var/run/sshd is empty and did not have a /dev/log and therefore preauth messages from the privsep user were not logged. But with sshd post openssh version 6.x now these messages are logged.

Here is a logcheck pattern to avoid noise from the common set of messages that I am seeing from attackers.

^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ sshd\[[0-9]+]: Received disconnect from [^ ]+: [[:digit:]]+: (|Bye|Normal|Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing|Unable to connect using the available authentication methods) \[preauth\]$

Or you could choose to ignore any string by using a ".{0,255}" pattern. To limit memory use it is always a good idea to avoid the ".*" pattern and use a length limited pattern. That length limit is simply to ignore most typical patterns. The actual limit is syslogd dependent and usually much larger. The default rsyslogd size is 2k in the $MaxMessageSize configuration parameter.

^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ sshd\[[0-9]+]: Received disconnect from [^ ]+: [[:digit:]]+: .{0,255} \[preauth\]$

getty clears the vt tty screen

Between util-linux 2.17.2-9 and 2.20.1-4 getty has changed and it now clears the screen. This seems like a good thing on the surface until you find out that it destroys the boot time messages including any errors that are on the screen at the time. To prevent this a new option --noclear has appeared.

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1

DSO Linking Changed

There has been a change to the way dynamic shared objects link. Previously they were automatically daisy chained. If a lib referenced another lib them you could reference only the first and the second would pull in all of the other dependencies. Now all libs need to be explicitly linked into your executable. I think. The changes are a little confusing to me but I think that is the change. And if so then I think it is a good change. It will help prevent creeping featurism where dependencies creep in outside the control of applications. See


After complaints in Bug#605130 that found during testing package purges that sudo didn't remove /etc/suders (who ever purges sudo in a real system?) the file was changed. Upgrades mean this file is thrashed. But along with this comes /etc/sudoers.d/ which is where local content can be placed so as to avoid future upgrade thrash.

/etc/sudoers should now contain a secure_path statement due to changes in the compiled in default now requiring it.

So on the one hand you can now move your entire configuration file into /etc/sudoers.d/local-sudoers and avoid thrashes from future package upgrades. (Were you ever thrashed by past upgrades? Yes, once when the "env_keep += HOME" became required.) But then you lose the ability to easily edit the file with visudo. That is annoying for random systems not using an infrastructure for system configuration. So I will probably continue to use /etc/sudoers on most systems, push through this thrash, and just keep hitting the thrash in the future.

bootlogd now separate

In Wheezy the bootlogd is broken out into a separate package. If you want bootlogs then you need to install the new package.

apt-get install bootlogd
sysvinit-utils (2.88dsf-17) unstable; urgency=low

  bootlogd has moved from sysvinit-utils to a separate bootlogd package. If
  you wish to continue using bootlogd, please install the bootlogd package.
  Note that the configuration file /etc/default/bootlogd and its option
  BOOTLOGD_ENABLE no longer exist; if you do not wish to run bootlogd, remove
  the bootlogd package.

 -- Josh Triplett   Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:03:08 +0000

Debian Installer Preseed

The preseed keymap options for the Debian Installer have changed. It used to be that you would specify console-keymaps-at/keymap=us to set the keymap for an automated preseed. Now the option is keymap=us and the previous option is ignored.

case $variant in
  lenny|squeeze) locale="console-keymaps-at/keymap=us locale=en_US" ;;
  *) locale="keymap=us locale=en_US" ;; # wheezy and later

And in a preseed file it would be the following. Instead of "d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us".

d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us

CVS Different

This is mostly a reminder to myself to go document this. Between Squeeze and Wheezy the cvs package was rewritten from scratch and is now completely different. The weekly cron rotation is removed. The /etc/inetd.conf pserver line is removed. This needs to be researched and documented.

There was a weekly cron job available but not by default that could rotate the CVSROOT history file. I never used it. It is now gone. So no change for me.

I also did not use the /etc/inetd.conf pserver either. So again no change for me. But this was installed and not removed. This seems to need a cleanup.


In Postfix 2.9 the spfcheck_time_limit parameter has changed from being one of the standard variables to being a configuration dependent named variable. Now the file defines services and every service has associated {transport}_time_limit variables where "transport" is one of the named services started in

Currently I am not using the spf check_policy_service and have therefore simply commented that out of my system's config. But I believe it to be a simple renaming of variable names for this new Postfix version.


See the Emacs NEWS file (C-h n) for a long list of changes.

Scroll bars have moved from the left to the right. Why? As far as I can tell it is because MS-Windows puts scroll bars on the right. But that isn't a good reason for me. Plus my xterms, along with traditional X Window programs, have scroll bars on the left. I like it if all of the windows on my system are consistent and therefore must explicitly set the scroll bar to the left so that it is same as the other windows on my system.

      (set-scroll-bar-mode 'left)

Also the incremental search key changed too. Why? Someone likes it the new way.

      (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-y") 'isearch-yank-line)))

The NEWS file says, "`x-select-enable-primary' now defaults to nil" To restore it set the following.

      (setq select-active-regions nil)
      (setq mouse-drag-copy-region t)
      (setq x-select-enable-primary t)
      (setq x-select-enable-clipboard nil)
(if (>= emacs-major-version 24)
      (set-scroll-bar-mode 'left)
      (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-y") 'isearch-yank-line)
      (setq select-active-regions nil)
      (setq mouse-drag-copy-region t)
      (setq x-select-enable-primary t)
      (setq x-select-enable-clipboard nil)))

reportbug GtkWarning: could not open display

In Wheezy 7 using reportbug now emits this spurious message.

$ reportbug reportbug
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/ GtkWarning: could not open display
  warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)

This is Bug#533824 assigned to python-gtk2 and tagged as affecting reportbug. It is still unresolved for Jessie Testing as of 2014-01-29.

default fsck times

I have not investigated this fully but in Squeeze the default fsck interval was 6 months. In Wheezy I believe the default is to have the fsck interval disabled. See tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 for the interval. I need to test this and verify. And at that point I am not sure what I will decide to do. Explicitly turn on the interval? Implement a preventative maintenance schedule? Go with the new default and never fsck a file system again? Don't know. Need to decide on a course of action.

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